Saturday, June 11, 2011

Spotlight Saturday

Welcome to my first Spotlight Saturday!!! I'm super excited because I decided to this little segment on my blog that would allow me to feature someone who inspires me or motivates me in someway.  There are so many crafters and blogs out there with a wealth of knowledge and unfortunately like some of you I'm not able to visit them all the time, but I know they are there.   So by doing this, I am able to give them the recognition that they deserve and perhaps a few more followers ;).

Today I am featuring a very good friend of mine from Scrappin' KY Momma

Tanya is always involved in something.  If she's not trying to collect cards for a little Aidan, she's trying to send cards to our troops.  One thing that I learned about Tanya is that she loves to use her imagine.  She sometimes shows little quick cute cards that she makes with it and it has helped me to do the same with mine.  She's extremely talented and just redid her whole blog! So go check her out her blog! She's currently participating in a Thank You to our Teacher's blog hop with a great prize in hand, so leave her some love too while you're there!

So now every week I will be scoping around to see who I can feature on my blog.  Stay tuned for next week's Spotlight blog and don't forget to share this post and leave a comment, you might be featured next! I hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday. God bless you all!


Naomi Edwards said...

What a beautiful gesture on your part! I think that is an awesome idea! I will sure to check out Scrappin'KY Momma when I leave here and be a new follower... sounds like she is awesome.
Have a wonderful day! I am just a baby at blogging and hope to meet so many more bloggers and get followers of my own.. I am now at 20, lol....
I also just created a site from the ground up , an Autism site which is the reason I am scrapping.. I want to donate a percentage of what I make to the Autism Society.. I dont' have it set up yet but will this week!

Here are my links!!!
Showers of Cards and Flowers

Between Two Worlds

DIANA L. said...

This is a great idea. The spot light. I will have to go check the blog out thank you for sharing.

Pamela Lash said...

I love your spotlight idea, Zeni, and totally agree that Tanya is a treasure (and so are you)! This idea is what the crafting world should be doing - supporting and spotlighting others.
Cyber hug........Mama LoveBug

Unknown said...

I love this idea Zeni. It is so kind and thoughtful. You are right about being busy and not always being able to get around. I also think that the bloggy world is so big and great blogs can get unnoticed because of that. I can't wait to check out this blog. Again, great idea:)

Tanya said...

Awww... I am JUST able to get online... Zeni.. you are too kind!! I am definitely blessed to have you in my life. You have picked me up and inspired me when I needed it as well. You are truly a GREAT friend!! Luv ya girl.. Thank you soo much to all of your friends who came to visit me. I am on my way to visit each of their blogs and thank them.
